Consternation in Migrants’ life

On these housebandh days,,the major plight
Through which a larger section of migrants going on is their sporadic lifestyle , The hassle and chaos which hasbeen spotaneously created .
Amidst the pandemic the roaring but in a low pitch might be seen in the eyes of large number of migrants walking miles of distance just to go flat towards their natives
Recently ,Uttrapradesh government come out with a portal of skilled and unskilled migrants ,about 30 lakh migrants during these two months returned back to their native state Uttrapradesh.
• On this larger Number ,One third of migrants are construction and factory workers
66,000 are agricultural labourers, 65,000are carpenters,62,000 are associated with sitching or are tailors.
• drivers,21,093 cooks,17,000 are electricians,11,60 are plumbers

Women in migrants- most of the women who had returned are ayahs ,About 9,000 are ayahs
4,531are beauticians ,3,200 are  domestic helpers
• there are 2,000 people who were engaged in banking and insurance sectors also.

Overall on the concluded note,
mostly the short term migrants are the most affected section as short term migrants consist  of moslty unskilled workers
In the study of 2018 world bank working paper by Gaurav nayyar and Kyoung yang kim bank explains the short term migrants were covered so many journeys on foot between states in compare of long term migrants.
As through the statistics of government it was declared that About 50% of workers are in unskilled  criteria or unskilled workers.
Where as long term migrants are come as highly skilled or skilled workers these are engineers,teachers, in Banking  sectors.

A glance at MNREGA-

Initiatives taken by Government
MNREGA came as a major relief for raising migrants financial status and providing them a platform for their employment.
•  As Of now 57lakh migrants were reliefed by this initiative of government.
1,900 crore wages havebeen paid.
• Through Departmental Data ,It was declared that so many labourers were  engaged in many of the government projects like cleaning and deepening of ponds in villages ,River rejuvenation across the state.
• Uttrapradesh Industrial development agency  deployed  many labourers in construction sites ,with safety preventions and along with social distancing
• About  12,000 workers are deployed in pruvanchal expressway ,Bhundelkhand expressway and Gorakhpur link expressway.

Is there something for women?
Statistics revealed that major portion of migrants in India are women
As the major reason of their migration within states or between  states is getting married.
And after that women have to go for  frequent movement for earning is just to look after their children
As women consist of major illiterate and unskilled population.

Government’s Initiative-
Government is Planning to Engage most of the women in self helf groups For manufacturing Maska and PPT Kit
And also  under the Sakhi Yojana  deployed so many women for providing banking services at door step’s.

Way forward-
Throughout this Government planning,
A  Productive Vision can be seen..
As of now ,35lakh migrants’ skill profile  is done.
But We can’t Hold  too optimisitic on this front..
As  Hithertoo and still A great attainment  is awaited  towards the plight of migrants.

Is it really feasible to boycott chinese products completely?

Recently, a campaign named as Vocal for local hasbeen inaugurated through our honourable prime minister  before beginning of lockdown 4.0 .He also highlighted his words on special initiative of Atma nirbhar bharat . The finance minister  burn the midnight oil to design this Atma nirbhar bharat model. As banks were assured 100% credit and interest Grantuaee in case of any uncertainity and many more such small initiatives were proclaimed by NDA govt. Also Paved a new path  towards reinvigorating the MSME sector  and economy of locals and narrow down  the difference between  Manufacturing and service sector.
         An indirect path aligned        
       towards China’s suppression-
  Government has already raised its Move divergently through Self reliance initiative against China. Moreover the trend going on about boycotting chinese products reflects pupil’s emotional aggression but how it could  become possible to accomplish  the same in practical sense.
    Before moving ahead,there lots of points come in front while  executing this Boycott process.
    • India imports  7 times more than its exports to China.
   • 70% of pharmaceutical Items entails Chinese imports and it seems hard to produce their alternatives in short time.
   • India is the largest market hub for China’s Products in the world ,This could be taken both as a boon  or a  bane,,As India’s success in boycotting going to affect Largely  to the Chinese market But “As you make your bed you must lie in it” India needs to suffer first to Accomplish such a larger goal, First we need to produce so many alternatives for the same  import products  Which may lead a risk for elevating the inefficiency of resources lying in front .
  • Due to lacking of products ,,prices of goods will reach its peak,that would prove fatal for economy as well.
             A way ahead

   Despite of all sporadic and difficult ways
We as citizen of our nation can do a lot,
Gradually,, we can start refraining ourself at some cost,, replacing more and more  made in  India’s products in place of chinese, As it  will patronize nation’s local market a head and raises financial status  of the country in this hard time.
Become a part of innovation which raises the efficiancy of our resources and  power of mechanism,

Yes It is going to take a big part of nation.
But eventually this part will be proved pointless once  it get done. Now,The necessitate calling must be unity and harmony of nation , The move of ours step by step but together.
Government’s big part-
In this whole scenario Government is going to play a major role,,Need is not just introducing the schemes but also implement them in a good way. Here the part of government will be credited when it must be financially ,socially and transparently applied.